Reliability of Profile Information in Panel Surveys


Survey In panel surveys, a member’s profile information usually consists of, but is not limited to, member’s invariant (e.g. race, gender, age) and variant (e.g. education, marital status, occupation) characteristics. In this paper, the reliability or consistency of response to profile information questions in panel surveys is investigated. The data for this study comes from three panel surveys of Knowledge Networks for the years 2002, 2003 and 2004. Findings indicate that reporting of profile information by members is highly reliable and reliability varied with gender, race and marital status. The study concludes with recommendations and future research avenues.

Recommended Citation:

Rao, K. (2005). Reliability of Profile Information in Panel Surveys. Paper presented at the World Association of Public Opinion Research, Mexico.

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  • WAPOR 2005 Program (see page #37 for the mention)
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