Posts Tagged ‘ Satisficing

The Theory and Evaluation of Anchoring Effect in Visually Administered Extremely Long Response Lists


Numerous studies (Payne 1971; Krosnick and Alwin 1987; Ayidiya and McClendon 1990; Schwarz, Hippler, and Noelle-Neumann 1992; Malhotra 2009; Malhotra 2008) have examined response order effects in visually administered questionnaires. A number of theories have also been proposed to explain this effect, with the most popular one being the theory of satisficing (Krosnick and Alwin 1987; Krosnick 1991). According to this theory, when response alternatives are presented visually, respondents begin at the top of the list and consider each alternative individually, all while establishing a cognitive framework for evaluating later response alternatives. Read more

Dealing With Extremely Long Response Lists in a Mixed-Mode Survey Environment


In some surveys, respondents are confronted with selecting a response from an extremely long list of response options. For example, in the National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) mail survey, respondents are asked to select the job code that best describes their work from a long list of job codes (listed on a different page) that are categorized and arranged alphabetically to facilitate easy selection. While various aspects of the findings from this survey have been published, for instance, the effect of previously sent token incentives on subsequent contact rates (see Dillman (2007), page 241), little is known about the measurement error aspect of using extremely long response lists. Read more

Response Patterns in a Long Question Grid in a Mail Survey Questionnaire


In mail surveys, researchers often face the challenge of too little space in the questionnaire for the number of questions they wish to administer. Oftentimes certain structuring methods are used in order to maximize the data gathering efficiency of a given set of questions. One such method involves using a grid format in which two or more questions with the same response options are grouped together in a ‘grid’ of rows and columns. In this way, the response options are not repeated for every question in the grid, which minimizes not only the use of space in the questionnaire, but also respondent’s burden of comprehending new scale for each question in the grid. Read more

Is Satisficing a slippery slope? An investigation into the effects of satisficing when answering questions in a mail survey


In this article, we investigate response-order effects across various candidate questions (i.e., questions potentially prone to satisficing) from a 2007 Social Issues mail survey conducted by The Gallup Panel. We also investigate extreme responding and analyze patterns of extreme responses. Read more