Posts Tagged ‘ Respondent Motivation

Examining the Relationship Between Survey Response Elicitation Efforts, Respondent Motivation, and Satisficing: A Case Study of Web-based Panel Survey


Understanding the dynamics of survey participation, particularly about why people take part in surveys and, perhaps more importantly, why they do not, is often a challenging task at hand for survey researchers. A part of this challenge involves expending some form (e.g., e-mail or postcard reminder) of survey elicitation effort in obtaining a response. The general assumption as it pertains to Web-based surveys is that more motivated survey invitees respond with minimal elicitation effort (i.e., they respond even before the first reminder is sent), while their less motivated counterparts respond only with a subsequent increase in such efforts (i.e., sending more than one reminder) or choose to not respond. Read more

Clarifying the “Progress” Of Progress Indicators


In Web surveys, progress indicators inform respondents of their progress, using a variety of design approaches. A graphic-based method usually involves the image of a progress bar, while a text-based method involves using simple text (often percent completed).  Sometimes a combination of graphic- and text-based designs is used (see Couper, Traugott, & Lamias, 2001; Heerwegh & Loosveldt, 2006). Progress indicators can also be displayed on every screen or intermittently, or at the respondents’ request (see Conrad et al., 2005).  The main argument for using a progress indicator is that it motivates respondents to complete the survey by making the end of the survey appear visibly nearer with every question answered. Read more